CHIPMAN: Ambulance New Brunswick has been directed by the Gallant Government to cut one ambulance stationed in Chipman.
“We have been informed this morning that one ambulance will be taken out of service in mid-June”, said Ralph McBride, coordinator for CUPE Local 4848, which represents the paramedics and dispatchers in the province.
“The paramedics staffing the ambulance will receive their 30-day layoff notices tomorrow. This decision from the government will affect between 8 to 10 fulltime and part-time paramedics.”
“Right now, four ambulances cover the Minto-Chipman-Mill Cove area. Two of the ambulances are stationed in Chipman. Under the Dynamic Deployment System used by Ambulance NB when one ambulance is responding to an emergency call, they still have one ambulance as backup. This decision to eliminate one ambulance will have an impact on services offered in Boiestown, Doaktown, Stanley and even Fredericton.”
“Health Minister Victor Boudreau seems to think of profit over patient safety and care. Once more, the Brian Gallant Government is targeting rural New Brunswickers and is showing us they don’t care about the wellbeing of New Brunswickers; they only thing that seems to matter is balancing the books,” concluded McBride.