On November 22, CUPE NB delivered a presentation to the independent working group tasked with reviewing the New Brunswick workers’ compensation system.
The consultation dealt mainly with the financial situation and overall objectives of WorkSafeNB. Along making recommendations to the legislation and governance of the agency, CUPE NB denounced the current under-funding of the Workers’ Compensation Fund.
“I support the position of the Ombudsman: the employer contribution rates to the fund to protect injured workers remains too low. The fund requires a hike between 30% and 50%, not that paltry 15% they [WorksafeNB] announced,” says Daniel Légère, president of CUPE NB.
President Légère’s presentation touched on 5 key points:
- Increase investment in WorkSafeNB Rehabilitation Centre;
- Expedite the claims process by hiring more front-line staff at WorkSafeNB;
- Abolish the three-day waiting period;
- Stop the mismanagement of the surplus funds; and
- Improve WorksafeNB’s governance
Last week, Ombudsman Charles Murray denounced the underfunding and menaces of cuts at WorksafeNB.
“We have to understand WorkSafe premiums are designed to fully fund protection for workers. That’s their goal. They’re not a business recruitment tool,” said Murray to CBC journalists.