Local 1190 Strike Vote Locations

All Local 1190 members are called to vote on the 17 and 18th of July 2024. Members are encouraged to vote in their respective sub-unit locations:

Click on the image to go to a Google map of all voting locations for CUPE 1190

1 In front of DTI garage, 88 Hayes Road, Nash Creek, NB  (sub-unit 1)
2 Royal Canada Legion, 34 Union Street, Campbellton, NB (sub-unit 1)
3 Goodie Shop, 20 Foutain Head Lane, Miramichi, NB (sub-unit 2)
4 ABC Business Centre, 216-102 Norwood Avenue, Moncton, NB (sub-unit 3)
5 Lower Cape Community Centre, 4480 Route 114, Lower Cape, NB (sub-unit 3)
6 Valley Watters Municipal Building, 10 Municipal Street, Norton, NB (sub-unit 4)
7 Royal Canadian Legion, 119 King Street, Chipman, NB (sub-unit 5)
8 Fredericton Inn, Salon E, 1315 Regent Street, salon E, Fredericton, NB (sub-unit 6)
9 Elks Club, 123 Connell Street, Woodstock, NB (sub-unit 7)
10 Co-op Carleton, 8818 Main Street, Florenceville-Bristol, NB (sub-unit 7)
11 St. Stephen Curling Club, 1 George Street, St. Stephen, NB (sub-unit 8)
12 Herring Cove Park, 135 Herring Cove Road, Welshpool, NB (sub-unit 8)
13 Ray Hall Garage, Across from Gov. Garage, 108 Mount Pleasant Road, St. George, NB (sub-unit 8)
14 New River Beach Park, 80 New River Beach Road, New River Beach, NB (sub-unit 8)
15 Roman Catholic Church Community Centre, 12 School Street, Rexton, NB (sub-unit 9)
16 Scouts Club Saint-Basile, 890 Rue Principale, St-Basile, NB (sub-unit 10)
17 Behind Saint-Quentin Public Library16 Rue Deschênes, Saint-Quentin, NB (sub-unit 10)
18 Bairds Memorial Campground, site 48 on river bank, 12255 Route 105,  Perth-Andover, NB (s-u 11)
19 Centre communautaire de Bois-Blanc 1560 Route 135, Bois-Blanc, NB (sub-unit 12)
20 Comfort Inn, 1170 St. Peter Avenue, Bathurst, NB (sub-unit 12)
21 CUPE Office basement, 208 Lancaster Avenue, basement, Saint John, NB (sub-unit 13)


Contact your Local Area Vice-President or Local 1190 at  1-800-561-1190 to confirm date and time of strike vote.

Veuillez contacter votre vice-président régional ou la section locale 1190 au 1-800-561-1190 pour confirmer les dates et heures du vote de grève.