Fredericton: CUPE National officers were in Fredericton today to support CUPE members in their fight against the Gallant Government’s austerity agenda.
“We are committed to fight with CUPE members across this province to protect public services. We can’t let a government destroy with a stroke of a pen this province’s social fabric”, said Mark Hancock, CUPE National President.
“Our Union will financially support the actions that CUPE NB Division undertakes to stop this blatant attack on public services”, added Charles Fleury, National Secretary-Treasurer.
“Contrary to what members of the Gallant government are saying, they have a choice. They could restore a progressive tax system to generate revenues. They could invest in public services in rural communities instead of slashing services and putting an extra financial burden on New Brunswickers. Many options were put forward during the last round of provincial public consultations but unfortunately the Government chose to ignore them”, added Hancock.
“We hope the Government will come to its senses and listen to New Brunswickers when they clearly said they wanted to keep their public services”, said Odette Robichaud, CUPE NB Vice-president.