CUPE Nova Scotia

CUPE Newfoundland and Labrador
Solidarity with 22,000 @cupenat workers across New Brunswick today
You keep our kids safe and offer them support at school
You have their backs and we have yours
You deserve fair wages and fair, open collective bargaining so that you can keep doing the important work you do https://t.co/bSJ5yzGckE
— Jagmeet Singh (@theJagmeetSingh) October 29, 2021
#Solidarité avec nos consoeurs et confrères du Nouveau-Brunswick!https://t.co/VXtXKRGBuH
— SCFP-Québec (@SCFPQuebec) October 31, 2021
We are with our comrades, friends, sisters and brothers in CUPE New Brunswick and workers everywhere, fighting for what’s right on picket lines around the world. This is going to be a November to remember. https://t.co/XQgMLBrdSA
— Rory Gill (@RoryGillAB) November 3, 2021
Solidarity with CUPE members in New Brunswick, who began strike action this morning. The full support of our union's 700,000 members is with you.
— MichaelHurleyCUPE (@HurleyOCHUCUPE) October 29, 2021
We are in solidarity with you from the West Coast! https://t.co/bah2rjQFJv
— CUPE 2081 (@CUPE2081) November 1, 2021
We stand with our @CupeMaritimes brothers and sisters in solidarity! Stay strong! #Solidarity #cupe716 #CUPE https://t.co/xS0UjhSLK4 pic.twitter.com/YVOn44D2LJ
— CUPE Local 716 (@716Cupe) November 2, 2021
We stand in solidarity with 3000 members of #CUPE 1253 and 2745 @CupeMaritimes in New Brunswick on strike since Friday and many of whom — Education workers — are now locked out by the province. ✊ #solidarity! #canlab
— cupw (@cupw) November 1, 2021
The Halifax Dartmouth and District Labour Council stands in solidarity with our Brothers, Sisters and Kin of CUPE New Brunswick. The Higgs government has proved time and again that they have no respect for workers. Solidarity!
— Halifax-Dartmouth & District Labour Council (@HalifaxLabour) October 28, 2021
#CupeMaritimes #CupeNational #scfpnat #cupe1253 #scfp1253 #cupe2745 #scfp2745 #FedNB_ca #NBTA #AEFNB pic.twitter.com/s1C7FO1Ybb
— NBTF-FENB (@NBTFFENB) October 27, 2021
.@Unifor506 members supporting @CupeMaritimes on picket lines across the province! ✊ #Solidarity #canlab #nbpoli #PublicSectorHeroes @sandybrideau @CarlosUnifor506 @stephane_Lamour @UniforTheUnion @LindaMacNeil3 @Lanampayne @UniforWomen @LeblancRoch pic.twitter.com/pCqzQg3E9b
— Unifor Local 506 (@Unifor506) October 30, 2021
Solidarity with our union family in CUPE New Brunswick! ✊https://t.co/cfwgAFibzG
— AUPE (@_AUPE_) October 27, 2021
The Mount Allison Faculty Association stands in solidarity with @CupeMaritimes in New Brunswick and calls on @premierbhiggs to return to the negotiating table in good faith. We support the freedom of association and right to strike and oppose government coercion.
— MAFA (@MAFA_MTA) October 29, 2021
1/3 #PSAC supports #CUPE's campaign for fair wages
Minister of Education Dominic Cardy has just announced the Government is locking out education workers and putting educational assistants and student attendants who were previously designed essential on leave without pay.#nbpoli— SBEU 60702 / SPAS 60702 (@S60702) October 31, 2021
NBU supports striking CUPE workers: https://t.co/pfYczGN1yt
— NB Union President (@NBUSNB) November 1, 2021
Incredible ✊@uswdistrict6 is sending so much solidarity to these @CupeMaritimes members! https://t.co/smXHp3BItb
— USW District 6 (@uswdistrict6) November 3, 2021
Check out our statement on our website on why we support @CupeMaritimes striking workers: https://t.co/hfibetUj8i
Consultez notre déclaration sur notre site web pour savoir pourquoi nous soutenons les travailleurs du SCFP en grève : https://t.co/XCoi3mxYJT pic.twitter.com/pXCpPzRQ6n
— New Brunswick Nurses Union (@NBNU_SIINB) November 2, 2021
L’Association des professeures et professeurs de l’Université de Moncton, campus d’Edmundston (APPUMCE), tient a souligner son soutient et sa solidarité aux travailleuses et travailleurs de @CupeMaritimes présentement en grève. Votre combat est important et nous concerne tous!
— appumce (@AppUmce) November 1, 2021
We stand in #solidarity with all of the @CUPEMaritimes members/public sector workers in #NewBrunswick.
We support all frontline workers in their fight for a fair deal! ✊✊🏻✊🏼✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿https://t.co/owKldGQ6U4#canlab— NSGEU (@NSGEU) October 29, 2021
(1/2) The NB Coalition for Tenants Rights and @AcornNb stand in solidarity with striking @CupeMaritimes members.
— NB Tenants | Locataires NB (@NbTenants) November 5, 2021
We stand in solidarity with @CupeMaritimes public sector workers as they fight for a fair bargaining agreement with the provincial government. pic.twitter.com/HmyOG6mb2R
— BLMFredericton (@BLMFredericton) November 1, 2021
Solidarity with @CupeMaritimes & all the custodians, bus drivers, library assistants, education workers and others who are on the 5th day of striking. There are no good jobs without fair wages. ✊✊✊#Solidarity #CupeStrike pic.twitter.com/zFF4c1eMUX
— PIPSC_IPFPC (@PIPSC_IPFPC) November 2, 2021
@CTFFCE and our 300k plus members stand in #solidarity with @CUPEmaritimes workers across New Brunswick! #nbpoli #canlab #nblab pic.twitter.com/OSXsNPMPeg
— Sam Hammond (@CTFFCEpresident) November 1, 2021
Solidarity with striking @CupeMaritimes members! Canada’s nurses support your struggle for fairness and respect. #canlab @NBNU_SIINB pic.twitter.com/sGiLBlJT4I
— Canada's Nurses (@CFNU) November 2, 2021
@UniforTheUnion Local 907 stands with @CupeMaritimes in #Solidarity #nbpoli @saintjohn601 pic.twitter.com/ITu2swAqpG
— Blaine Conners (@blaineconners) November 2, 2021
.@NSTeachersUnion members know first hand the gut punch of Premiers who abuse the power of the legislature to achieve personal, political goals.
Solidarity to @CupeMaritimes members fighting @premierbhiggs use of “essential services” legislation to break their legal strike.
— Paul Wozney, NSTU President (@withwozney) November 1, 2021

Customs and Immigration Union (PSAC)