2024 Maritimes Education Weeklong School

From March 18th to March 22nd, you will discover a diverse range of workshops designed to enhance your skills, knowledge, and professional development. This workshop will be held in Moncton as it is a central location for most participants.

From empowering leadership strategies to effective communication techniques, we have workshops tailored to meet your needs. Join us as we embark on a weeklong of growth and learning.

Explore our calendar and secure your spot today!

NOTE: During our event, a Hospitality Room will be available every evening from Monday to Thursday.

Additionally, for those seeking a refreshing outdoor experience, take advantage of the free outdoor skating rink conveniently located just across the street from the hotel. Don’t forget to pack your skates for a delightful time on the ice.

CUPE Mass Membership Meeting: Dec 21

All CUPE members in NB are invited to attend one of the 3 online mass membership meetings, this December 21st. No registration is required.
This meeting concerns Bill 17 and conservatives breaking signed contracts. Below are the links for each session. Please share with your colleagues:

CUPE Mass Membership Meeting: Dec 21, 10am  https://encoreglobal.zoom.us/j/96869711598?pwd=Vk1JT3ZQOSs4a21icE4rVXFVVksvdz09


CUPE Mass Membership Meeting: Dec 21,  5 pm  https://encoreglobal.zoom.us/j/92130356351?pwd=dUVaRHJGYjh5anJFanNublJLZ0dDdz09


CUPE Mass Membership Meeting: Dec 21, 7 :30 pm  https://encoreglobal.zoom.us/j/99992988446?pwd=WDJrYkdBbTcxM3FMWmIrTHJVOGtHQT09

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CUPE Pension and Bill 17 Webinar for Friday Dec 7 and Saturday Dec 8

Below is the link for 3 webinars on Pensions, Collective Bargaining, and Bill 17. These webinars are open to all members.

Voici ci dessous le lien vers 3 webinaires sur les pensions, les négociations collectives et le projet de loi 17.
Ces webinaires sont ouverts à tous les membres.

Dec 8, 2023 05:00 PM
Dec 9, 2023 10:00 AM
Dec 9, 2023 05:00 PM

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