The CUPE NB Executive Board is pleased to announce that we will be holding a one-day Virtual Convention on June 25th, 2020 through the company FMAV.
Originally, our 57th Annual Convention that was set to be held at the Fredericton Inn from April 29th to May 2nd, 2020. The in-person meeting was cancelled due to the COVID-19 government restrictions.
This has been a tough time for all and the CUPE NB Division recognizes the importance of keeping affiliated locals informed, involved and continuing with the important business of the Division.
DATE: June 25th, 2020
TIME: Commencing at 9:00 a.m. – a link will be provided to participate in Virtual Convention.
LOGISTICS OF THE DAY: Four (4) – ninety minute periods, of which we will break for thirty (30) minute intervals between the periods, adjourning at approximately 4:30 or 5:00 p.m.
AGENDA: Will be e-mailed in advance
If a local has already pre-registered for Convention 2020 as a delegate/alternate and have sent registration fees, your registration is still valid. Please contact Minerva Porelle, Secretary-treasurer at the contact information below ASAP to confirm these registrations and receive updates.
If a local has not yet registered for Convention 2020 and would like to participate as a delegate/alternate, please contact Minerva Porelle, Secretary-treasurer using the following form to begin the process of registration and receive updates.
It is imperative that you call or e-mail Sister Porelle to ensure you are documented on the registration spreadsheet with the important information of your status as delegate/alternate in order to obtain the link to join convention.
Registration Fee remains at one hundred dollars ($100.00) per delegate and per alternate due to the cost of FMAV Virtual services, translation, etc.
As per CUPE NB By-laws and Constitution, your local’s per capita dues must be paid in full to CUPE NB up to the end of December 2019. As per CUPE National By-laws and Constitution, your local’s per capita dues must be paid in full to National up to the end of January 2020.
Registration Deadline is Monday, June 15th, 2020 by 12:00 noon
Once registered, Delegates/Alternates will receive a link to participate in convention. If you are a delegate entitled to a vote, you must do so by logging into the link provided with your username and password. This can be done using a web browser on a computer, a tablet, or a smartphone. Attendees wishing to join via telephone only will dial into the conference call line provided and listen along, but are not able to cast a vote from the telephone conference line. Votes can only be cast by logging into the link on a web browser.
All documents such as reports, resolutions, officers’ reports, elections, etc. will be e-mailed to delegates/alternates in advance as well as displayed on the screen of your device during the Virtual Convention.
Looking forward to hearing from locals registering for convention as CUPE NB continues to move forward during the COVID 19 pandemic to accomplish the business of our Division.
Sister Minerva Porelle, CUPE NB Secretary-treasurer
Cell phone number: 506-465-9816
In solidarity,
Brien Watson – CUPE NB President
Minerva Porelle – CUPE NB Secretary-treasurer
Election of CUPE NB Officers
- Secretary-treasurer/ two-year term
- 1st Vice-president – two-year term
- Trustee – three-year term
Standing Committee Elections
- Education Committee (2 year term) as Sister Kim Sharkey’s term has ended
- Contracting-Out Committee (2 year term) as Brother Darcy Barker’s term has ended
- Health, Safety and Environment (2 year term) as Sister Connie Haines term as ended and she now sits on the committee representing National H&S Committee
- Human Rights Committee (1 year term) due to the sad passing of our dear brother Michael Osborne – we remember him for his great work and activism!
- Pension and Insured Benefits Committee (2 year term) as Sister Kelly Way’s term has ended
- Women’s Committee (2 year term) as Sister Caitlyn Shea was appointed on the National Environment Committee
- Global Justice Committee (2 year term) as Sister Melissa Dewitt’s term has ended
- Political Action Committee (2 year term) as Sister Kim Copp was appointed to the National Childcare Committee
Other documents
Convention Call_May2020_ENG
Standing Comm Convention 2020 Convention Election
Election of Officers 2020 May (BIL) (1)