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Premier insist on concessions instead of offering fair wages

Fredericton, September 3rd, 2021 Friday Morning, the CUPE Centralized Bargaining Team in New Brunswick held a press conference to denounce the relentless concession demands of the Premier through the NB Treasury Board in centralized bargaining sessions.

At 11:30 today, the Government left the bargaining table, having refused to respond to CUPE’s last pass on Thursday night. “They were not interested in bargaining unless the union accepted concessions,” said CUPE NB President Stephen Drost.

“No real movement happened on a general economic increase for workers,” said

Drost. “The Premier said bargaining is “give and take,” but all he wants at the table is to take, take and take. He never moved from his initial offer, as the moves he made were coupled with significant concessions demands instead of talking about a general wage increase.”

The CUPE Centralized Bargaining Team, along with bargaining team members of CUPE Locals in Part 1, 2, 3, and 4 of the NB public service.

During the conference, leaders of the CUPE Centralized Bargaining team shared their experience of this unique centralized bargaining.

“We were ready to move on our initial general economic wage proposal if the employer was ready to move on theirs, but they clearly were not respectful when they presented the very same wage restraint mandate demanded at every bargaining table years ago. Other public sector workers already massively rejected a similar demand. Why would the Premier think our members would accept a bad deal?” said Norma Robinson, President of CUPE Local 1252, the NB Council of Healthcare Unions.

“We told the negotiators just how the members of our locals are frustrated and angry by the stalling and concessions demanded by the Premier’s negotiators,” said Iris Lloyd, President of CUPE Local 1253, representing school district custodians, trade workers and school bus drivers.

“I am so disappointed to see how the premier preferred to waste an amazing opportunity to fix – at one centralized table – the major recruitment and retention issues in public service through a fair general economic increase for workers,” said Steve Drost.

Province-wide strike votes will begin on Tuesday, September 7th. Votes in the healthcare sector and francophone community colleges will be held later in the month.

“The door is never closed if Higgs wants to improve real wages for workers through a general economic increase, not concessions,” concluded Drost.

Bargaining Summit – Aug. 27

On Friday, August 27, 2021, starting at 9 am, CUPE NB is holding a day-long Bargaining Summit in Fredericton, with over 100 CUPE bargaining team members in New Brunswick present.

While over 100 members of CUPE Bargaining teams of Part 1, 2, 3, and 4 of the NB public service are meeting in a large outdoor conference tent. located behind the Crowne Plaza Lord Beaverbrook Hotel in Fredericton.

Members and the public can watch the event online from the live feed through this page:

Among guest speakers present are:

  • CUPE NB President Stephen Drost
  • CUPE National President Mark Hancock and CUPE National Secretary-Treasurer Charles Fleury
  • Fred Hahn, CUPE Ontario President
  • Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) President Bea Bruske
  • NB Federation of Labour (NBFL) President Daniel Légère

The summit is being held as more than 22,000 CUPE members in NB are currently without a collective agreement and are preparing for a province-wide strike vote in early September if no fair deal is reached with Government.

Walk to thank front-line workers

August 28, 2021 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am

We invite you to a CUPE NB-organized community walk happening near you, throughout New Brunswick. We walk to recognize and give thanks to all front-line essential workers, who provided important public services to the citizens of New Brunswick during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Bring your family and friends and let’s give these workers the recognition and thanks they truly deserve.
Share far and wide the Facebook event.
Saint John – 57 Lansdowne Ave (in front of Shoppers)
Moncton – NBCC 1234 Mountain Rd.
Fredericton – Parking lot in front of 551 King St.
Edmundston – Centre Brunswick, 180 Boul. Hébert.
Saint-Quentin – Hôpital régional, 21 Rue Canada
Campbellton – Civic Center, 44 Salmon Blvd, Campbellton
Bathurst – Bathurst High School parking lot, 640 King Ave.
Tracadie – L’École La Source au 906 Rue Louis G. Daigle
Perth-Andover – Southern Victoria High School, 13 School St.
Woodstock – Townsview School, 122 Lewis P. Fisher Ave.
Saint Stephen – Charlotte Mall, 210 King St.
Sussex – Parking lot, 8 Leonard Dr.
Miramichi – Kinsmen Centre, 100 Newcastle Blvd.

50 days left to settle fair deals with CUPE members

CUPE NB, representing more than 28,000 workers in New Brunswick, held a press conference on July 19 to announce that Premier Blaine Higgs has yet to take any meaningful action or necessary steps to settle collective agreements with over 22,000 CUPE members.

“50 days have passed since notice was given to the Premier to fix the labour crisis that he and his MLAs created. Sadly, Higgs is still backing these workers into a corner. If nothing is done within the next 50 days to address the labour crisis in a fair and respectful way, a province-wide strike vote will be held,” said Stephen Drost, CUPE NB President.

“CUPE’s Maritime Regional Director Sandy Harding and I met with Premier Higgs in July.  He would not commit to resolving the recruitment and retention crisis in public services, nor recognize that fair wages or compensation is part of the solution,” said Drost. “We were professional, respectful, polite, and made it very clear to him. We said workers are not being greedy or irresponsible, they worked through the pandemic and most have not had a fair wage increase in many years. We advised Higgs that zeroes are not acceptable; front-line heroes deserve much better,” added Drost.

Last week, the 10,500 members of CUPE Local 1252 tried to get a fair deal through conciliation. “It was clear the province’s negotiators were not interested in anything else but a wage freeze. Conciliation is done, a deadlock is to be declared in the coming days,” added Drost.

Higgs has until Labour Day to resolve the unsettled contracts and negotiate fair wages for the 22,000 public sector CUPE members stuck in bargaining. Over 19,000 public sector CUPE members will be in a deadlock in the immediate future or within days and close to another 2800 may soon be joining them.

Attending the press conference were more than 215 participants, many of which are rank and file members, local leaders and CUPE leaders from other provinces. Fred Hahn,  President of CUPE Ontario, delivered a strong heartfelt message of support to the NB membership.

Fred Hahn – CUPE Ontario Division President

“PEI and Nova Scotia’s governments were able to settle contracts with workers without anybody going on strike. Higgs should do the right and honourable thing and treat our public sector workers with the same regard and respect. It is extremely unfortunate that this Premier and his MLAs are forcing a strike on these workers and the citizens of New Brunswick,” concluded Drost.


Higgs has 100 Days to settle a fair deal with CUPE members

CUPE NB, representing over 28,000 workers in New Brunswick, held a press conference to announce its ultimatum to NB Premier Blaine Higgs. View the full conference here.

“Starting Sunday, May 30th, Premier Higgs has one hundred (100) days to settle collective agreements for all the CUPE locals who have been waiting long enough for a fair deal,” said CUPE NB President Stephen Drost.

Higgs has until Labour Day in September to fix recruitment and retention issues and bring fair wages to the 21,860 CUPE members in bargaining – over 8,580 of which are in a deadlock and more than 13,280 who are headed for conciliation in the next 50 days.

“If Higgs refuses to act in a tangible manner, once the 100 days are passed, CUPE members will have to mount a province-wide coordinated action,” added Drost.

“This ultimatum is the most responsible way to get this government to act. By September, most residents will already be vaccinated. One hundred days is more than generous when you consider how most workers have been waiting for years and years to get fair deals,” said Drost.

During the press conference, CUPE Local 1840 – representing NB Court Stenographers – also announced it had just filed a request to the NB Labour and Employment Board to recognize a deadlock in bargaining. Government has refused to offer Court Stenographers a fair deal since 2016.

Before Christmas, in the middle of the second COVID-19 wave, Premier Blaine Higgs promised “Zeroes for our Heroes.” All NB public sector workers would be mandated a wage freeze followed by three years of one percent increases. Half a year later, Higgs has not yet altered his collision course with the public sector: “He has not acted in any way to fix the recruitment and retention crisis in major sectors. Higgs is playing a dangerous game of poker, thinking essential workers who fought off COVID-19 will simply fold under pressure, rather than unite and demand respect,” concluded Drost.



CUPE 1252 Exposes the depth of the Recruitment and Retention Crisis in Healthcare

Fredericton, NB – The NB Council of Hospital Unions (CUPE Local 1252) – representing close to 10,000 healthcare workers in New Brunswick, held a press conference to expose the severity of the recruitment and retention crisis in their field.

CUPE 1252 has knowledge of excessive holes and gaps in all classifications: “We estimate there is a shortage of 200 Licenced Practical Nurses (LPNS) in NB hospitals. There are a hundred (100) vacant paramedic positions, there are gaps in Environmental Services (EVS), medical device reprocessing, maintenance, clerical and phlebotomy, to mention a few,” said Norma Robinson.

Local 1252’s conference came on the heels of an announcement by the NB Nurses Union, who revealed that there is a shortage of approximately 700 nurses provincially.

“Too often, we only hear about one or two classifications, but let’s be clear, there are serious shortages in all classifications,” said Robinson. “At the root of this are low wages and management’s over-reliance on casual labour. Too few full-time positions are posted for the sheer quantity of work to be done,” she added.

The union also noted an alarming trend where Health Networks’ recruitment efforts are under-prioritized in urban centres: “When there are staff shortages, rural hospitals are the first to suffer and the last to receive help,” said Robinson.

“We raised these issues with Premier Higgs and Minister Shephard on several occasions, we’ve asked to be part of the discussions to provide a clear picture of what is truly happening. Sadly, to date, there has been no movement, no discussions, and no invitations to meet from their part,” she added.

CUPE 1252 calls on Premier Higgs, Minister Shephard and the Regional Health Authorities to come forward to begin the discussions for improvement to the healthcare system in NB.  “Healthcare in NB is at a critical state with cracks in the system, if something is not done now healthcare will crumble,” concluded Robinson.

CUPE Local 1252 represents frontline healthcare workers such as paramedics, LPN’s, patient care attendants, support staff working in environmental services, dietary, maintenance & trades, clerical, sterilization, pharmacy staff, phlebotomists and many more.

Deadlock in Education Sector Negotiations

Members of the 2745 Bargaining Team

On May 11, 2021, CUPE Local 2745 held a press conference to announce it had filed a notice of deadlock in negotiations with the NB Labour and Employment Board.  Local 2745 represents close to 4400 educational and clerical support staff in New Brunswick schools and School District offices.

“Our last contract expired back in February 2018. After almost three years of fruitless negotiations, it is clear that the government has led us towards an impasse,” said Theresa McAllister, President of CUPE Local 2745.

“We sent a letter to the NB Labour and Employment Board, and I have absolutely no doubt they will recognize that we are deadlocked until Government really wants to bring fairness to the table,” she added.

Local 2745 is now the fifth CUPE local to file for a deadlock in negotiations (after CUPE 1190, 5017, 1418 and most recently 1251).

In the latest bargaining sessions, we were met by an employer bargaining committee unwilling or unable to provide clarity on the workers’ concerns. “They were unwilling to work towards any middle ground on the most significant issues, and uncompromising in their wage freeze mandate, pension attacks, unfair use of casual work, to name a few,” said Trent Snikkers, national representative for CUPE.

“It’s clear this rigidity in bargaining is demanded from above, from the Premiers’ office. Will Education Minister Cardy intervene to remind the Premier of the importance of the work done by educational assistants, library workers, admin staff, intervention workers and so many others?” asked McAllister.

Like teachers, school workers do not have it easy these days. The uncertainty, the changes, new stresses and a disrupted education cycle have made life more difficult. “Yet we adapted, we continue to do our best as public servants. Why is the government trying to fix a fight with public sector workers, the very people who help our kids succeed in school, is beyond me,” said McAllister.

CUPE Local 2745’s membership includes Educational Assistants, School Administrative Assistant & School Clerks, School Library Workers, District Administrative Support Workers, School Intervention Workers, Speech Therapy Assistants and Student Attendants.


Register for Strike Preparation Training Sessions

CUPE members in New Brunswick are all welcome to join in strike preparation sessions, organized by Local 1252, but open to all members of other locals. Register on the forms linked on the sessions by clicking on times below.

Les membres du SCFP au Nouveau-Brunswick sont tous invités à participer aux sessions de préparation à la grève, organisées par la section locale 1252, mais ouvertes à tous les membres des autres sections locales. Inscrivez-vous sur les formulaires liés aux sessions en cliquant sur les horaires de votre choix ci-dessous.


May 11 – Tuesday/mardi (English session)

May 12 – Wednesday/mercredi (Bilingual)

Le 13 mai – Jeudi (français)

May 17 – Monday/lundi  (Bilingual)

May 18 – Tuesday (English)

Le 19 mai – mercredi (Francais)

May 25 – Tuesday/mardi (Bilingual)

May 26 – Wednesday (English)

Le 27 mai – jeudi (Francais)

May 1st Declaration

International Workers Day is celebrated around the world every May 1st. The date was proclaimed in 1889 in recognition of workers’ collective action for an 8-hour work day. At this time, during the COVID-19 pandemic, the importance of working-class solidarity and the need to organize have never been greater. Workers are being exploited in all sectors. Decent and safe working conditions are being eroded and inequality in the distribution of wealth is growing by the minute.

The pandemic has proven what we have always known: It is workers who keep our communities going, deliver essential goods and services, and will step up during a crisis and put their lives on the line to protect all citizens. Workers are the backbone of society.

The pandemic has also exposed the naked truth that governments around the world, under pressure from the ruling class, have grossly underfunded the infrastructure necessary to provide for the health and safety of all citizens.

Throughout history, when pushed to the tipping point, workers have united, shown their strength and stood up for social and economic justice.

To all workers, private sector or public sector, unionized or not, we celebrate and pay tribute to the enormous sacrifices you make for the good of all.

NB Social Development “Investments”: Band-Aid Solutions Are Not Enough

In a recent announcement made this week, the Government of New Brunswick claims to have made “Progressive Investments” in the Department of Social Development.

Unfortunately, their claims do not hold water, as they fail to address real problems being experienced by too many citizens. Bruce Fitch celebrated meagre investments in his Department, which amount to little more than Band-Aids on the major issues of childhood poverty, hours of care for seniors in nursing homes and housing.  Until this government introduces progressive tax reforms, their efforts cannot keep up with the growing costs of poverty. More and more New Brunswickers will fall into the poverty trap.

Poverty in NB

This government continues to talk about energizing the private sector to increase economic growth in NB. A recent study released on April 7th of this year by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, clearly illustrated that poverty is costing our province 1.4 billion dollars per year, and a loss of economic growth of 3.71 percent annually. Their new 2.4-million-dollar investment to tackle early childhood poverty will have next to no effect as more people are not keeping up with the cost of living. It does not help that government wants to freeze wages instead of introducing price controls to protect citizens. Higgs’ 5-cent per hour increase to the minimum wage is also insufficient, as it’s only equivalent to one cup of coffee per week.

The provincial and federal government have an obligation to end poverty. Sadly, GNB’s 10-year plan to invest more in affordable housing also misses the mark significantly. With the hyperinflation of building materials, in some case as high as 300 percent, their investment of 17 million dollars will not go far enough to make a real difference. Rent paid on accommodations in New Brunswick between March 2020 and March 2021 rose 4.8 percent, the largest increase in the country. More families will not be able to afford housing and thus creating significant strain on an already underfunded strategy.

Hours of Care

Minister Fitch announced he would increase by 0.1 hour (or 6 minutes) the daily hands-on care provided to seniors in NB nursing homes this year, and 0.1 more in 2022. This Band-Aid solution goes against the Department’s own seniors’ needs assessment:  in 2005, Social Development produced an internal report demonstrating the need for a minimum of 3.5 hours of daily care for seniors in Nursing Homes. Today, we have an older, more fragile population than in 2005. Experts on senior care and CUPE agree the minimum standard should be 4 hours of daily hands-on care per day. Giving seniors 6 more minutes is like giving 5 cents more to minimum wage workers: It’s not enough. It’s insulting as it dramatically misses the mark.

The human cost and struggles that many people are facing are devastating and not acceptable. If government is serious about caring for its citizens, it needs to implement progressive tax reform to pave the way for real, tangible solutions.